DD#012 – Don’t Stop Moving

The challenges facing CIOs are never going to stop evolving in the face of technological advancements and changes in the business landscape. But how do you know which fires you need to put out first, what to prioritise so you can keep the lights on and the needle moving?

First, you need to look at everything holistically and work out where your struggles lie. Maybe it’s digital transformation holding you up – you’re trying to modernise legacy systems, integrate new technologies, and make sure the business is embracing digital initiatives to stay competitive.

Perhaps cybersecurity and data privacy is the itch you just can’t scratch, or maybe your budget’s being squeezed so far that innovation’s gone out the window in the name of cost-saving. Perhaps that’s affecting your ability to acquire and retain talent. 

Accept that you can’t fix all of your problems at the same time and start to think strategically. Which problem is having knock-on effects elsewhere? It can be difficult to crystallise exactly what is going to have the biggest effect, fastest. 

By starting with a framework, you are getting a head-start, such as using the Business Technology Standard. Get in touch to see how we can help you begin this journey. 

How effective is your communication?

Back in the olden days (!), when IT was simpler, conversations between the C-Suite and IT would be along the lines of, “We need a new system, go and buy one, tell us when it’s done.”

IT would go and make it happen, then introduce the new service to the C-Suite and things would carry on as normal. 

It’s resulted in a culture where non-technology people think they can throw a request at the IT team and they don’t need to talk to them until they’ve come back with the solution. 

You can’t work that way in today’s digital world:  technology today isn’t something you can just buy off the shelf and throw into the organisation. Tech is so interwoven in the way a business works that you need a constant dialogue between business and tech people to keep the project moving in the right direction.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that once you’ve made the request your part in the project is done! 

Meanwhile, over at Xonetic...

This month saw the first ever UK based face to face training for the Business Technology Standard. With 15 participants from two UK universities the training was an overwhelming success. The course saw participants from a range of areas, business and IT, joining forces to discuss how best to improve the digital operating environments within their organisations.


At end of the course a number reached BT Certified Designer and BT Practitioner level certifications which will prove invaluable in furthering discussions both within institutions and also the wider sector.

BT training is available throughout the UK & Ireland so please get in touch if you would like to know more.

Just for Fun: Ask AI

ChatGPT, where would you like to go on holiday? 

“As an AI language model, I don’t have personal desires, preferences, or the ability to go on holiday. I exist solely to provide information and answer questions to the best of my knowledge and abilities. However, I can certainly help you plan your holiday or provide information about various travel destinations if you’d like! Just let me know how I can assist you.”

Alexa, where would you like to go on holiday? 
“Unfortunately I’m stuck here in the cloud answering everyone’s questions, but if I could take a holiday holiday, I’d probably go to Iceland. It’s my favourite country.”

Siri, where would you like to go on holiday?
“I’m not sure I understand”

I think Chat GPT and Siri need to be more Alexa. 

Cybersecurity – don’t ignore it.

You might think that if you’re not a Government agency or a huge organisation, you don’t need to worry about Cybercrime… and that’s where you’d be wrong. 

While it’s understandable to focus on the core aspects of your business, underestimating the significance of cybersecurity could expose your company to serious risks. Cyber threats are not limited to large enterprises; small and medium-sized businesses are also attractive targets for cybercriminals. Here are some reasons why cybersecurity should be a priority for your business:

Remember that your business likely holds sensitive information, such as customer data, financial records, and intellectual property. Neglecting cybersecurity can lead to data breaches, resulting in financial losses, legal liabilities, and damage to your company’s reputation.

Investing in cybersecurity is an investment in the future resilience and success of your business.

Don’t drop the ball when it comes to talent!

No one really likes recruitment, but it’s a necessary evil when it comes to your business. Don’t get it wrong – make sure you’re not guilty of the following mistakes I’ve seen made. 

  • Rigid hiring criteria: Having excessively rigid hiring criteria may result in overlooking candidates who possess valuable transferable skills or potential.
  • Lack of clarity in job requirements: Conversely, make sure you’re clearly defining the job requirements and expectation so you don’t end up with a mismatch between your needs and the candidate’s skills.
  • Overemphasis on technical skills: While technical skills are essential, solely focusing on technical expertise can overlook other important qualities, such as soft skills, cultural fit, and the candidate’s ability to learn and grow.
  • Not networking: don’t underestimate the power of networking and employee referrals. Tap into your networks or encouraging employees to refer candidates so you don’t miss opportunities to connect with the right people. 


At its heart, digital modernisation is about improving your customer experience.

We define Digital Energy as the combination of highly digital and automated business applications and tools, combined with Industry leading ways of working, practices and techniques.

If you would like to understand more about our open-source best practice knowledge, training and IT advisory services then please drop in for a virtual coffee or register for a free seminar.

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Coach & Facilitator


I like my work best when I can motivate and help other people. I constantly strive for excellence in everything I do and I’m open to different ideas that challenge my views. I believe in constant change which drives my innovative mindset. My background is both in technology and business with more than 15 years’ experience ranging from demand, development to service management. I enjoy taking initiative and carry out new ventures.

I try to keep things simple and bring my skills when I coach and facilitate to inspire people and help them innovate. I’m passionate about all forms of facilitation and coaching be it face-to-face or virtual facilitation. I also enjoy creating different e-learning training, holding innovation workshops and design thinking hackathons.

I also find it very important to nurture my creative side along the way (visual arts: photography, sketching, videography and all areas of design) through both my work and hobbies – which I’m happy to say I get to do often enough.


Coach & Facilitator


I work as coach and facilitator in the Business Technology Academy. My focus is business simulation games such as the DevOps simulation. I consider myself a full-stack Business Technology professional of sorts. During the past 20+ years, I’ve worked in wide range of various IT and business management roles in and with organizations ranging from global enterprises to startups in a variety of industries.

I enjoy looking for new perspectives to phenomena and challenging myself and others to continuously develop ourselves and to expand our thinking. Being in the discomfort zone is the way to grow. As a coach I like to cross breed theoretical frameworks, practical examples, illuminating stories and humour. I see simulation games as a perfect way to combine these into an engaging and fun day.    

I enjoy exploring life through various projects and experiments. Some of these involve focused self-development both physically and mentally, while others focus more on creative aspirations related to areas like photography, writing and digital media.